In a troubling development, Paramount Chief George Gbanyei Njiabo III of the Nyawa Lenga Chiefdom, Bo District has admitted to the seizing government property, specifically a TVS motorbike and a laptop computer assigned to the Rural Water Services Sector at the Pujehun District Council in Pujehun District.

This situation has persisted for over two years, and it is a concern because of its impact on the local governance system.

The motorbike and laptop, essential tools for the effective operation of the Sector, have reportedly been seized and used by the Paramount Chief for personal purposes, stifling the sector’s ability to carry out its duties. Several attempts have been made by local officials to reclaim the equipment, emphasizing the urgent need for resolution.

Despite ongoing discussions and correspondences with the Council of Paramount Chiefs, Senior District Officer, and provincial authorities, Chief Njiabo has steadfastly refused to return the items.

PC Njiabo claims that his refusal is justified due to the financial support he provided for the education of his Nephew, Ing. Morie Bayoh Kobba, the rural water engineer. He argues that the motorbike and laptop serve as compensation for the school fees he paid on Kobba’s education.

However, Ing. Kobba, expressed his dismay at the chief’s action, describing it as unfortunate, unjust and uncalled for. “I never expected my uncle to behave this way. He has sworn to God that the bike will not be returned to the government,” Kobba stated.

He informed the press that the whole incident came about after he was denied communication to his mother, Satta Kobba by the Paramount Chief and his witchcraft committee in Sahn; upon the allegation that his mother was responsible for backwardness of the town. He claimed that the witchcraft committee accused his mother of manipulating all the fortunes of the town for her children’s prosperity and that has made the town to be underdeveloped.

The Chief Administrator of the Pujehun District Council, Sahr Emmanuel Yambasu, has confirmed receiving multiple complaints from Kobba regarding the situation. Yambasu noted that the recent tensions escalated when the chief allegedly seized the items during a family visit to Sahn village. “The absence of the motorbike and laptop has created a vacuum in our development efforts,” Yambasu lamented, urging the Council of Paramount Chiefs and provincial administration to swiftly resolve the impasse.

In his response, Paramount Chief George Gbanyei Njiabo III said he will not produce the motor bike and the computer because he paid school fees for his nephew but his nephew has abandoned him and nobody can convince him to let go of the items.

He confesses that various stakeholders including the senior district officer, provincial administration and the council of paramount chiefs have engaged him on the matter but have told them that the items will not be handed over because his nephew did not see his financial labour he rendered to him.