In an effort to Maintain and preserve our biosphere, a non Profit organization in Freetown called the Propel Organization, has embarked on a seven days successful beach cleanup exercise in Freetown, with the slogan ‘One Home.One Earth for Us.. let’s keep it Clean.

Members of the organization from Friday last week to Thursday the 21st April 2022 cleaned up the beaches gathered and transported all garbage collected to the dump site.

According to the Organization, a total amount of 684(50kg) bags of rubbish were collected from the beach cleaning exercise from Friday -Thursday.

The organization’s Operational manager, Marah, whom had counted the bags and managed the beach cleanup together with Propel mens team
worked tirelessly and ensured that everywhere was cleaned.

The Organization thanked and sends shot out to all of them for a good job done.

It ended with the message; “cleaning the environment is the key to existence and survival of life on planet earth. Maintaining a clean environment reduces pollution, preserves our biosphere, protects endangered species, and also helps preserve the earth’s natural resources”