In a significant move to support President Julius Maada Bio’s Feed Salone agenda, Pujehun District Council Chairman Mr. Foday Kandeh Rogers has initiated the cultivation of a large rice farm in Lottu Kpaka, Kpaka chiefdom. This ambitious agricultural project is aimed at minimizing hunger and reducing rice importation in the district and the country at large.

Chairman Rogers’ extensive rice farming effort is part of a broader strategy to bolster food security and promote self-sufficiency in the region. The initiative is expected to not only provide a stable food supply for the local population but also contribute to the national goal of reducing dependence on imported rice.

In his call to action, Chairman Rogers urged all residents of Pujehun District to engage in agricultural activities. He emphasized the importance of community participation in agriculture to achieve sustainable development and food security.

“Our collective efforts in agriculture can transform our district and ensure that we have enough food for everyone to eat,” Rogers stated.

The Feed Salone agenda, championed by President Bio, aims to enhance agricultural productivity and ensure food availability across Sierra Leone. Chairman Rogers’ initiative is a commendable example of local leadership aligning with national policies to address critical issues such as hunger and import dependency.

The Pujehun District Council’s rice farming project is poised to serve as a model for other districts, showcasing the impact of local initiatives in driving national progress. As the cultivation progresses, the community is hopeful that the rice cultivation will yield significant benefits, contributing to the overall well-being and economic stability of the district.