Residents of Pujehun Township in Southern Sierra Leone have voiced their concerns over the prolonged delay in completing the electrification process, which commenced over three years ago. Pujehun, a District headquarters town, remains in darkness, grappling with the absence of electricity while neighboring areas progress with electrification efforts.

Expressing their frustration, residents highlighted the disparity in the distribution of over 200 free meters. They alleged that the meters were selectively provided to well-connected individuals and a handful of public institutions, neglecting the broader community’s needs. This distribution pattern has left many average residents without access to essential electrical infrastructure.

“We are tired of waiting for the electrification process to materialize. It’s been years of promises without action,” remarked one resident, encapsulating the shared sentiment of the community.

Moreover, residents decried the exorbitant costs associated with purchasing meters and other necessary gadgets, adding another layer of financial strain to their plight. The affordability of these utilities remains a significant concern for households already struggling with economic challenges.

The frustrations voiced by residents underscore the urgency for the government and relevant authorities to prioritize and expedite the electrification process in Pujehun Township. The provision of reliable electricity infrastructure is not only crucial for enhancing living standards but also for fostering economic development and improving overall quality of life.

It is pertinent to note that a test run conducted by the Electricity Distribution Supply Authority (EDSA) on June 22nd, 2023, served as a glimmer of hope for residents eagerly awaiting the fruition of the electrification project. However, tangible progress since then has been minimal, exacerbating the disillusionment among the community.

As residents continue to navigate life without electricity, their call for increased government intervention and accelerated efforts to complete the electrification process grows louder. The timely response from authorities is imperative to alleviate the hardships faced by the residents and propel Pujehun Township towards a brighter, electrified future.