In a momentous event that marked a significant milestone in the history of Pujehun Town, on Saturday 11 May 2024 Chief Mustapha Koroma was officially inaugurated as the town’s chief during a town hall meeting held at the Pujehun Town Barry.

The ceremony, attended by hundreds of stakeholders and family members, was filled with promises of unity, progress, and a commitment to serving the people of Pujehun.

District Officer Yankuba Gobai, addressing the gathering, hailed the inauguration as a momentous occasion, emphasizing Chief Koroma’s simplicity and humility. Gobai commended the chief for his generous activities and urged him to work for the entire people of Pujehun Town, setting aside individual differences for the collective benefit of the township.

John Kainawa Squire, the Community and Media Officer for the Sierra Leone Police, pledged unwavering support to Chief Koroma whenever the need arises. He urged the community to continue engaging in community policing and act as watchdogs to combat crime effectively. Squire emphasized that the police force’s limited resources could only be supplemented by the support of the community, which possesses the power of citizen’s arrest.

Squire also called for stakeholders to caution the young boys in Pujehun District, stating that most of the thieves in the area hail from the district. He urged them to discourage destructive behavior and emphasized that the law shows no favoritism.

The District Mammy Queen, expressing her delight, described the inauguration as a blessing in disguise. She emphasized the importance of the town chief’s support for effective work and called for unity, love, and respect in the execution of his duties. Madam Kai Kai, promising a positive transformation for the township, assured everyone present that Pujehun would soon witness a different approach to progress.

On his part the chief celebrant chief Mustapha Koroma thanked every one for dropping their busy schedule , he promise to work for the best interest of the town and will ensure that major reforms will be visible In his administrations as he call on collective effort and oneness.

Delivering the keynote address, Paramount Chief Andrew Jiah Kaikai of Kpanga Chiefdom congratulated Chief Mustapha Koroma on assuming the chieftaincy throne. He encouraged the chief to embrace everyone and discouraged any sentiments that could hinder progress. Chief Kaikai emphasized the need for Chief Koroma to be a father figure to all, fostering a sense of unity and inclusivity.

The inauguration ceremony was concluded with high jubilation, characterized by traditional dances and merriment that filled the principal streets of Pujehun. The atmosphere was charged with optimism as the town celebrated the dawning of a new era under the leadership of Chief Mustapha Koroma, with hopes for a united and prosperous future for Pujehun Town.