One of Sierra Leone’s social media influencers and former TV and radio personality Sarah Kallay has created a little humor on the issue of Gento’s religious sentiment message.

Sarah posted the video on Facebook with the caption “I stand with Gento” stating that it’s because she wants people to click on the video.

She said over the past few days after Gento made an unfortunate statement talking about religion and tribalism in a mosque, she is yet to see anyone standing with him.

She continued that over the years, whenever a public figure messes up in public by either their words or actions, there are people who would stand up for them to justify their words or actions.

Sarah furthered that the issue of Gento is different as no one is yet to come out publicly to stand with him and justify his words.

She hilariously stated that someone should definitely stand with Gento which has been a tradition of Siearra Leoneans and does not need changes now.