Save the children International in Sierra Leone has formally signed a memorandum of Understanding that entails a five years partnership with the National Disaster Management Agency[NDMA].

The partnership aims to enhance disaster preparedness and response with a particular focus on the welfare of children.

Deanne Evans, Director of Programs and Operations at Save the Children revealed that they have been working closely with NDMA since its inception. She pointed out that save the children Primary goal is to ensure the children of Sierra Leone are protected and cared for particularly in emergencies, disasters and other humanitarian’s context. She confirmed that their partnership with NDMA is so very important because NDMA are the lead in disaster and humanitarian prevention as well as response activities. She added that they believe they should be hand in glove all the time protecting families and children and Sierra Leoneans.

Lieutenant General (Rtd) Brima Sesay, NDMA Director General, expressed the agency’s longstanding anticipation for the signing of the MOU. He provided context on NDMA’s role in implementing government policies on disaster risk reduction, prevention, and climate risk management across regions, districts, and chiefdoms in Sierra Leone. Sesay acknowledged Save the Children significant interventions, including timely donations, equipment provision, disaster response, and training. He lauded the organization for its continuous support during times of disasters and expressed gratitude for the timely donations.

The signing was climax by donation of items include which includes 10 cartons of laundry soap, 100 pairs of assorted slippers, 200 pairs of children’s socks, used clothing for both adults and children, toothpaste and brushes, sanitary pads, laundry soap, 20 dozen pants, plastic buckets, and various school-related materials.

Emergency preparedness planning is a crucial aspect of Save the Children’s mandate to respond to emergencies.