The Paramount Chief of Gbense Chiefdom in Kono District, Honourable P.C Sahr Fengai K. Kaimachiande III was reported dead in his home town in Kono District.
Sahr Fengai Korgbede Kaimachiandeh, Sahr Fengai and Sahr Fengai Kaimachiande were the past Paramount Chiefs of Gbense Chiefdom. Some sources state that Sahr Fengai was elected paramount chief of Gbense in 2002. The chieftaincy was then vacant through the end of the war, until in 2002 when Sahr Fengai of the Korgbende family was elected chief” in 25 June 2015.
After serving for 6 years, Honourable P.C Sahr Fengai K. Kaimachiande III was reported dead on 12th January, 2022.