Socfin Agricultural Company has disbursed a total of SLL 1,269,123 in land lease payments to land-owning families in Zone C of Malen Chiefdom, marking a significant milestone in the company’s ongoing commitment to sustainable development and community engagement.

The payment covers the period from September 5, 2024, to September 5, 2025.

The lease payment, made in the presence of government officials, civil society organization (CSO) representatives, Socfin management, and journalists, highlights the company’s efforts toward transparency and accountability in its operations. Socfin’s land lease payments are distributed among land-owning families, the District Council, Chiefdom Administration, and the government, in line with legal agreements.

Speaking at the event, the Regent Chief of Malen, Alex B. Lamin, through Chiefdom Speaker S.R. Moiguah, praised Socfin for its ongoing contributions to community development. He urged local families to maintain a positive relationship with the company to ensure continued benefits for the region.

Pujehun District Officer, Mr. Yankuba S. Joebai, also expressed government support for Socfin, acknowledging its role in creating jobs and stimulating economic growth in the region. He emphasized the company’s contribution to promoting sustainable development across Malen Chiefdom.

Ibrahim Swaray, Chairman of the Civil Society Organizations in the district, called on the recipients of the payments to use the funds wisely and invest in projects that would further improve livelihoods and promote peaceful coexistence.

Joseph Belmoh, Socfin’s Liaison Manager, reiterated the company’s legal commitment to making annual land lease payments to all three zones—A, B, and C—while land surveys for Zone C are ongoing.

Beyond lease payments, Socfin has been involved in several community initiatives, including road construction, water and sanitation projects, healthcare support, and education programs. These efforts have greatly improved the quality of life in Malen, enhancing the region’s infrastructure and economic stability.