In a devastating incident Kemoh Fofanah, a resident of Taiama Kori Chiefdom, lost his life in a fatal road accident along the Bo Taiama Highway between 9 am and 10 am.
Eyewitnesses recount that a vehicle with the registration number AVK 891, traveling from Bo to Freetown with ten passengers, lost total control from a distance. Tragically, the vehicle collided with Kemoh Fofanah, who was riding a bicycle in the opposite direction, resulting in his immediate death.
Reports suggest that the driver, allegedly on a phone call while driving, lost control of the vehicle, leading to the fatal collision.
The lifeless body of Kemoh Fofanah has been transported to Bo Government Hospital for further postmortem examinations. Meanwhile, the police have initiated an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the tragic accident.
The incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of distracted driving, emphasizing the need for heightened vigilance on the roads to prevent such unfortunate incidents.
O my God
May his soul rest in peace
May his soul rest in perfect peace