Two persons, Muctarr Balogun and John Kamara have been arrested and charged to court in relation to the misappropriation of a total sum of 1 billion old Leones and the theft of property valued at forty-eight thousand United States dollars from the Sierra Leone Commercial Bank, Kissy Branch.

They are currently facing three counts of charges including larceny and conspiracy to defraud the bank.

The defendants appeared before Magistrate Mark Ngegba at the Pademba Road Magistrate Court in Freetown. The first accused, John Kamara, was legally represented by A. Moisia, while Police prosecutor Wellington represented the state.

According to police allegations, between December 1, 2022, and January 17, 2023, Balogun facilitated the payment of 1 billion old Leones into an account belonging to Ishmail Sillah through false pretences. John Kamara is accused of similarly causing the payment of 900 thousand old Leones into the same account of Ishmail Sillah at the Sierra Leone Commercial Bank Kissy Branch during the same period in Freetown.

Awoko reports that during the court proceedings, the prosecution led by Wellington was unable to present their witness and requested an adjournment to allow for the presentation of a witness.

In response, Moisia, the lawyer for the first accused, John Kamara, requested bail conditions for his client. However, Magistrate Mark Ngegba denied bail for both accused individuals and adjourned the matter to August 30, 2023.