A harrowing video has surfaced showing a woman making a desperate dash to safety on the Regent-jui highway after allegedly escaping from her kidnappers.

The video captures the intense moment when the terrified woman, with torn clothes revealing parts of her body, approached the highway, signaling to the nearby bush from where she reportedly fled.

As she kneeled down on the road, out of breath and visibly distressed, concerned passersby quickly gathered around her. Her mouth was sealed with tape, and she had a rope tightly tied from one of her hands to her feet.

Good Samaritans on the scene promptly assisted her to her feet, carefully removing the tape from her mouth. Immediately after that, they alerted the local police and ensured her safety.

Although the tape was removed, the trauma left the woman in a state of shock, rendering her unable to speak. Authorities are now investigating the incident.

Watch Video below: