In a shocking incident that unfolded on Thursday, September 14th, 2023, Kadija Adams has been accused of allegedly abducting a one-month-old twin from Agnes Saspo in Bongama Village, Kori Chiefdom, Moyamba District.
According to the distraught mother, on that fateful day, while she was preoccupied spreading groundnuts in the sun, a young woman claiming to be a relative from a nearby village, Kadija Adams, entered their home. The twins were in the care of her sister at the time.
Kadija, who was with the babies, expressed her intention to buy something in Taiama and offered to carry one of the twin kids, as she was heading in the same direction. Without suspicion, the mother allowed her to take one of the infants. Shockingly, Kadija disappeared with the one-month-old baby shortly thereafter.
As panic spread and the search for Kadija and the missing baby commenced, she was eventually spotted in her village, Gbahama, within the same chiefdom.
Chief Patrick Fillie of Gbahama, who also happens to be Kadija’s uncle, shed light on her recent actions. He explained that roughly three months ago, Kadija had left the village, informing everyone that she was pregnant. She left with baby clothes and other items, claiming she had given birth. Concerned, her family pressured her to produce the baby, leading her to return with a baby girl. It was only later revealed that this child had been abducted.
The case has now been handed over to the Taiama Police Station for a thorough investigation into the alleged abduction, leaving the community anxiously awaiting answers and justice for the affected family.
19 year for me is not an old woman
In finding solution to your problems, please please don’t allow the solution to cause another problem that will be difficult to solve.
Take it one day at a time and trust in God for lasting solution to life’s challenges.
In finding solution to your problems, please please don’t let the solution to be another problem that will be difficult to solve.
Take one day at a time and trust God for lasting solution.
In finding solution to your problems, please please don’t let the solution to be another problem that will be difficult to solve.
Take one day at a time and trust God for lasting solution.
I want to see the ending of this information