The Youth Envoy, Yulisa Ahmadu has on Monday, 5th June 2023 engaged students of the Fourah Bay College on the role of youths in nation building and national cohesion.

The engagement incorporated the Youths message from President Bio on youth empowerment and inclusion.

In his statement to the students, he emphasized the roles of youths in shaping the country and re-echoed the message of re-electing President Bio for a second term mandate.

As could be recalled recently, he has disclosed that, he had got opportunity meeting with the Turkish Ambassador for which he anticipate a good and proactive working relationship, adding that, the vision of President Bio in his second term is to provide 500,000 jobs for the youths.

“HE President Julius Maada Bio’s vision is to create 500,000 jobs for the youths in his second term.

As youth envoy, I just had a meeting with the Turkish Ambassador to Sierra Leone to discuss potential opportunities in agriculture, youth skilled development, and scholarships for the youths in Sierra Leone. Our conversation was focused on exploring ways to create new avenues for the growth and development in these areas”. He maintained.