An invitation to about fifteen political parties by the Clerk of Parliament has been sent out calling on them to be present at the Legislative House today, 1st November, 2022. The focus and subject matter to be discussed may not be different from the issues that relates to the Proportional Representation Electoral System which has become very unpopular of late.
Members of the Independent Political Parties have been invited to Parliament to see how they can contribute to the debate and subsequently cajole them to accept the system that has received wide range of criticism both locally and internationally.
The Clerk of Parliament in his invitation to the Parties said that he has been directed to invite the leaders of the political parties to an open session with the Committee slated for Tuesday, 1st November, 2022. The Proportional Representation Electoral System makes no provision for constituency development initiatives and programs, but loyalty to political parties, thus leaving constituencies and constituents in a state of undeveloped and not catered for.
It is a system that focuses attention on political parties and politicians appointed to run on the ticket of the Proportional Representation by political parties, may be removed from Parliament under (section 77k) of the 1991 constitution, unlike the First Pass The Post, otherwise known as Constituency Election that representation of the people/constituency is provided.
In today’s meeting, the public is expecting the political parties to debate the issue very well and decide on what is good for them and not the political parties.