63 years old Margaret Koroma who sat to the National Primary School Examination last year has expressed her interest to continue with her education.

Margaret sat to the NPSE examination at SLMB Primary School, in the Congo Water Community, East of Freetown, scoring an aggregate of 297.

Tendering her vegetable garden close to her home, Madam Koroma disclosed that she had made some frantic efforts to reach the Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education including other Education stakeholders to solicit their help in furthering her Education.

She lamented ”Since I sat my NPSE at SLMB Primary School, I had no help. I really want to do Adult Education. I want to learn something in the formal Education. Because of this, I decided to continue my business at Congo Water market but yet still it is not easy for me. I have my three(3) children. I have to feed and take care of myself. If I have the opportunity, I would be happy to further my Education.

Madam Yegbeh Koroma, said it could be more significant to her if she is able to further her education, because she would be able to calculate the financial profit and loss of her retail market business in the community. She cited an instance of her small market stocks (goods) pointing out that doing her accounting entry, subtraction, division and addition, taking stocks of one’s business when one has an education will create a better understanding for that person, “especially if, I am running a business” disclosed Madam Koroma.

She added “I Madam Margaret Yegbeh Koroma, want to know how to read and write properly because for example, if you are not educated, someone would just bring you a death warrant to sign, and you will indeed sign without knowing what you are signing for on that document.”

Presently, Madam Koroma stated, that she has her Agricultural garden at the back of her residence, which helps her and her children to complement their survival for the day.