Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of Sierra Leone, Ady Macauley ESQ, in an open letter dated 16th June, 2022, has urged the Inspector General of Police Ambrose Sovula, to release his clients on bail as they have been illegally detained for more than 10 days constitutional limit on allegations of committing public order offences. Col (Rtd) Joseph Sheku Jalloh, Campaign Manager for the APC Candidate for the Parliamentary bye Election in constituency 056 and nine of your men, Mohamed Jalloh (1), Mohamed Jalloh 2, Kulio Jalloh, Ibrahim Sylvanus Conteh, Abdulai Kamara, Lansana Daramy,
Jalloh, Farah Kargbo and Ibrahim Sorie Mansaray were arrested on 7th June 2022 at Bendugu Town and brought to the CID word, headquarters in Freetown and have been in detention without bail or brought before a Court of Law.
After failing to secure bail for his client, Ady Macauley Esq. wrote a letter to the Inspector General of Police highlighting the constitutional infractions resulting from the continued detention of his client. In the said letter,
Ady Macauley warned the IG that if Police refused to release his clients on bail, he will be left with no alternative but to drag the IGP to Court.
This medium can confirm that true to his word, Ady Macauley Esq. has file a Motion titled Misc. App No.9/2022 for the issue Habeas Corpus in which the IG and the Director of the CID, Richard Patrick Gibao Robert are compelled to produce the bodies of the detained suspects before High Court Judge to show reason why they should continued to be held without bail.
The Application accused the Inspector General of of his Police of meddling National Politics by the suppressing the campaign machinery of the Parliamentary Candidate of the All Peoples Congress.
In his letter to the IG, Lawyer Macauley said “One t of my clients, Col. (Rtd) Joseph Sheku Jalloh, happens to be the campaign manager for the APC candidate for the Parliamentary bye-election in Constituency 056, where the incident for which my clients are being investigated allegedly occurred. Col. (Rtd) Joseph Sheku Jalloh is of the opinion that his detention by the Police is politically motivated and calculated to deprive his candidate of his services and support. If this is so, it is most unfair and directly thrusts the Sierra Leone. Police into national politics, which will inevitably results in Police Citizen conflict. I believe you will not want the Sierra Leone Police to be viewed in this light.”