A thirty-four-year-old businessman, Mousa Sewa, made his first appearance before Magistrate Santigie Bangura at the Pademba Road Magistrate Court No. 2 in Freetown, charged with one count of murder, contrary to the laws of Sierra Leone.

The particulars of the offense presented in court alleged that on Sunday, 18th August 2024, at Mankneh Qcell Pole, Makeni City, Sewa was responsible for the murder of one Massah Massaquoi.

As the Preliminary Investigation (PI) commenced, it was noted that the key witness was absent from the courtroom. In response, Police Prosecutor Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Dialla Wellington requested a short adjournment to allow time for the witness to appear. Meanwhile, defense counsel A.P. Juah Esq., representing the accused, urged the bench for a swift resolution of the case, stressing the importance of a speedy process.

Despite the defense’s appeal, the prosecution’s request was granted, and the accused was denied bail. The case has been adjourned to the 21st of October, 2024. Until then, Mousa Sewa has been remanded at the Male Correctional Centre in Freetown.