Magistrate Mark Ngegba of the Pademba Road No. 1 last Friday 2nd September 2022 remanded the accused Mai Dumbuya, Tamba, Lebbie, Alfred Kargbo, Ishmael Samura, and Peter Kalokoh to prison for allegedly conspiring to kill Memunatu Bangura.

The accused are under preloffensesinvestigation for two counts offenses of conspiracy and murder contrary to law According to the particulars of the offense, on Sunday 15th May 2022 at Big Water, Main Peninsular Road, Goodrich in Freetown, the accused conspired with other persons unknown and murdered Memunatu Bangura.

Led in evidence by Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Ibrahim S. Mansaray, Second Prosecution Witness (PW2) Foday Momoh Dumbuya said he recognized the accused in the dock. He recalled Sunday 8th May 2022, when he was at home waiting for prayers when he heard a voice screaming “Mr. Foday they have killed my wife.”

PW2 said as the crying continued, he went to the scene and saw the husband of the deceased. He said when he preceded into the house, he saw the deceased lying down in a pool of blood. He said he instantly phoned the Tokeh Police Station, noting that after some minutes, police officers arrived at the crime scene.

He said the PW1, the deceased husband, told the police that the 1st and the 3rd accused were in custody as a result of a quarrel that ensued between them and the deceased, adding that the police conveyed the corpse to the Connaught Teaching Hospital Mortuary in Freetown where an autopsy was conducted. The PW2 said the police obcross- from him.

Under cross-examination by Defense Counsel, Emmanuel Teddy Koroma, he asked the PW2 to explain how long he had known the 1st accused. The PW2 replied that he had known the 1st accused Mai Dumbuya for th. last seven years as a businesswoman

When the Defense Counsel Mr. Koroma put it to him that on the day in question. the 1st accused organized a carnival and many people were in attendance, the PW2 responded in the affirmative When the defense Counsel also asked whether neneighborsere around, the PW2 also answered in the affirmative but said they were far off from the place they reside. The matter comes up again on Wednesday 7th September 2022