It is yet like a dream following to the sudden increments made on the charge per megabytes implemented by all Mobile Network Operators (MNO) in Sierra Leone. Some Sierra Leoneans are still in the thoughts that they are fast asleep.
This is because, if data price were to increase, it is not expected to have sky rocketed the way it has. The normal 1GB which was few hours ago sold at Le10 (New currency) has climbed the ladder to about a 150% to 300% increment respectively by different mobile network operators.
As the time of this article, 1.9GB which was around NLe15 has chased passed the cost of fuel in Sierra Leone which was considered the boss of the bosses. The price of 1.9GB is presently sold at NLe35, which is equivalent to Le 35,000.
Despite the fact that the key to social media surfing (data) has increased this far, it is inevitably true that people can’t run away from it. This is because majority of the social media users relay on these platforms for their first hand information before any press could make publications on some news, and others use these platforms for entertainment purposes. These media platforms and the data Buffles have been sofas to comfort users. Either cases, the fact still remains that it is difficult to run away amidst the sudden price increment.
In this note, Wilshire Dalton Richards, a product from the Albert Academy has today issued an advice on what to do to make your data last a little longer after sacrificing to buy any amount. Wilshire continued in his post that the increment is calculated to be about 300% roughly and that the decision has been made and seems irreversible for now.
On his first advice, he asked social media users to deviate from status viewing and extensive surfing of Facebook as they eat almost 64% of our daily data. He urged friends of his to reach him only on messenger henceforth.
“Status viewing and Facebook eats almost 65% of our data daily. Let’s say u only chat on messenger and on WhatsApp without viewing statuses on the app and facebook stories y’all would’ve noticed that your data last longer depending on the package you chooses,” He said.
“View less statuses or Facebook stories
Browse less on fb
Minimize ur TikTok viewing
And off cuz Instagram is not that popular within our youths but again if u are that active on Instagram u might want to be less active
Restrict ur WhatsApp setting on downloading of videos and images
By so doing, thus ur data is assured of lasting longer😂👍” Dalton Richards concluded