The main opposition All People’s Congress (APC) party has issued a statement condemning the November 26th incident and disassociating their party from the incident.

They said as a party, they are concerned about the breach of security at the Wilberforce Barracks in Freetown which resulted in an attack on the armory and other locations in Freetown including the Pademba Road Correctional Center where hundreds of prisoners escaped.

The statement continued that the party noted with dismay on President Bio’s statement to the high power delegation from Nigeria and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) pointedly associated their party with the August 10 protest and attributed their party conversation to the June 24 elections results to these violent events, adding that they condemned any attempts to associate their party to any form of violence.

The statement described their party as a responsible party as they believe in assuming power through the ballot box and not through the barrel of gun.

They said their party have maintained, in no uncertain terms, their vehement condemnation of the use of brutal force by any party to gain and retain power.