One only needed to be in attendance or be properly updated on what transpired in the City of Port Loko in order to endorse that it is indeed a mere figment of imagination for those who tend to entertain the perception that the All People’s Congress (APC) Party is in irreparable disarray.
After the 2018 elections, several factions emerged within the All People’s party pushing and pulling for radical change within the APC which landed the party into legal issues that resulted into series of damage control for both parties.
Members of the All People’s congress Party are having series of unpleasant attributions which has put the party into difficulties and intra-party issues involving senior members of the APC who are pitch-tending to the ruling Sierra Leone Peoples Party just to deflates the party ahead of the 2023 elections.
In Port Loko recently, Alhaji Ibrahim Kemoh Sesay summoned a general meeting at the Party District Headquarters of which the turnout was massive with Party Stalwarts oozing from every corner of the district and the country at large involving former Ministers, Deputy Ministers, past and present Members of Parliament, Ward Councilors and other senior comrades of the party were in attendance.
Various faces of excitement were visible in the eyes of supporters and stakeholders who are confidence and cocksure that they will bounce back into governance come 2023 elections.
Alhaji Ibrahim Kemoh Sesay who had served as Member of Parliament for the Constituency 049 now 075, Member of the ECOWAS Parliament, Minster of Transport and Aviation, Minster of Works, and Special Adviser to former President Koroma, said he was seriously troubled by the unbearable constraints the rank and file of the Party is going through.
He visualizes how perturbing it is for them in observing that there are more widening gaps within the Party structures for inconceivable and unthinkable reasons which eh confesses have the tendency to disintegrate and crumble the party in the coming months.
“I know some of you are bitter and worried largely because of the apparent disunity within the Party.” He said. “The 2023 General Elections are just a couple of months away, we need peace and tranquility in the APC, I am appealing to all APCians to put their differences aside for a unifying APC,” He admits. The former legislator reiterated that when the party was in governance, they refused to empower the grassroots supporters who are the foot soldiers of the party over the past years. He further reveals that the All People’s Congress Party is equally perturbed by the level of suffering Sierra Leoneans are going though and the APC is the only party that can change the narrative in the country.
“We can only win the 2023 elections as a united family by swallowing our pride and ego,” he noted. “We need to accept our faults and forgive one and other for benefits of our supporters and the country as a whole.
The Former Member of Parliament and Special Adviser to President, received another ear-splitting applaud when he offered the sum of One Hundred Million Leones to the Campaign committee for the Constituency 073 Bye Elections.
The constituency 073 is real litmus test for the All People’s Congress prior if they still have control in the north-west region with all the public comments by the Sierra Leone Peoples Party officials including that of Hon. Alpha Kanu.
“The All People’s Congress will give the Sierra Leone Peoples Party run for their money,” sources closed to Guardian Newspaper explain. However, over one dozen Party Members aspired of the Symbol but the Committee ended up recommending comrade Issa Oye Koroma as the most popular Aspirant for the award of symbol after a peaceful, transparent and thorough screening process.
The official declaration of a former member of the Ruling Sierra Leone Peoples Party Mr. Amara Sesay who was awarded the Party symbol and contested for Counsellorship in ward 235 in the City of Port Loko, formed a high point of the Meeting.
Mr. Sesay said it was a serious mistake on his part to have joined the Sierra Leone Peoples Party ad he was very much delighted for a comeback home. He was ushered by the Acting District Party chairman Mr. Summah who said such a positive move could not have come at a better time than now, when the Party is poised for an overwhelming victory in the pending General Elections. Mr. Amara Sesay was issued with a Membership Card and other APC Party Victory Song and Slogans.
According to Guardian Post Newspaper, Port Loko is said to be the Political and Operational Headquarters of the APC party. As observed by a senior Party Member, Port Loko is the most Loyal District with regards genuine allegiance to the APC Party. Anything that emanates from this district is bound to develop to something fruitful. This is why I am pretty sure that the Reconciliatory move to Unite the Party is bound to be emulated in every other party of the Country for victory comes 2023 general elections.