In a startling revelation on social media, former All People’s Congress (APC) spokesman Cornelius Devoux implicates APC leaders in Sunday’s gunfire incident in Freetown.

Devoux’s post suggests a link between APC figures and the raid on a military barracks in Wilberforce, where weapons were taken.

“It amazes me how people construe what happened yesterday as a game plan by the Bio administration,” Devoux wrote. He raised questions about the presence of certain APC leaders in the conflict zone. Notably, individuals living in Guinea, like Leather Boot and Sorie Bah, were allegedly found in the area during the turmoil.

Both live in Guinea and not in Sierra Leone. What a coincidence for them to have sneaked into Sierra Leone, for whatever reason, and then caught up in the imbroglio,” Devoux stated, hinting at a potential ulterior motive behind their presence.

Moreover, he highlighted the unusual sighting of Koita, supposedly residing in London, among those involved in the barracks’ raid, raising suspicions of orchestrated involvement. Devoux pointed out the mission’s codename as “Sorie Ba” and mentioned the renegades encouraging people to celebrate, promising rice at an unusually low price.

Devoux referenced Adebayor’s audio from Thursday, Gibril Bangura’s RIP message to Fatima Bio on Friday, and Samura’s prompt tweet distancing himself from any untoward incidents as additional red flags surrounding the situation.

This doesn’t convince me what happened was orchestrated by Bio himself,” Devoux concluded, shedding light on multiple suspicious occurrences and circumstances surrounding the event.