Two individuals involved in the November 26 attempted coup in Sierra Leone have surrendered themselves to the security forces. 

Director General of the Sierra Leone Correctional Service, Colonel Sheikh Sulaiman Massaquoi disclosed that the suspects voluntarily turned themselves in at the correctional center in Freetown.

According to Colonel Massaquoi, out of a total of 2,213 inmates who managed to escape, 144 have voluntarily returned, including the well-known rapper Boss La. Among those who have returned, 16 female inmates are back at their center, and 16 males have returned to the Male Integration Center.

The Chief of Defense Staff, Lavahun also clarified that the assailants involved in the attack were outsiders who invaded the Barrack successfully. He confirmed the recovery of two vehicles containing arms, including three RPGs, six bombs, and various weapons from the assailants. Lavahun asserted that many of the alleged assailants were apprehended, mentioning two who were former bodyguards of the ex-President Ernest Bai Koroma. However, he refrained from confirming whether they acted independently or were directed by others, assuring a thorough investigation into the incident.

Lavahun acknowledged that some of the alleged assailants were still at large but assured the public of ongoing efforts to track them down. He urged peaceful and patriotic citizens to provide any information that could lead to the arrest of the fugitives.

Inspector General of Police William Fayia Sellu confirmed that several police stations, including the one at Calabatown, were attacked during the incident. He revealed that some weapons and security personnel were held captive by the assailants, with some identified as retired police officers and military personnel, while others were still serving