Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio is set to deliver a national address tonight at 9pm, as the nation gears up for the upcoming elections on Saturday, June 24, 2023.

The address, to be broadcasted on the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC) TV, radio, and online platforms, will mark a crucial moment for the country as it braces itself for a closely contested electoral battle.

The forthcoming elections are expected to witness a fierce competition between President Bio’s ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) and the All People’s Congress (APC), led by Samura Kamara. In the previous 2018 elections, President Bio narrowly emerged victorious over Kamara during the second round of voting, adding further significance to the impending rematch.

The electoral landscape will not be limited to these two political heavyweights alone. A total of 11 other parties will also be participating, adding depth and diversity to the electoral process.

President Bio’s address tonight is expected to outline his vision, policies, and goals for the nation, seeking to sway the electorate in favor of his party’s agenda.

Furthermore, he may touch upon crucial issues and challenges faced by the country, emphasizing the importance of making an informed choice during the upcoming elections.

As the nation awaits President Bio’s address, citizens are urged to tune in to SLBC TV, radio, or the online platforms to gain valuable insights into the future direction of Sierra Leone. With the polls just days away, the address will undoubtedly shape the final stretch of campaigning, as political parties seek to leave a lasting impression on voters before they head to the ballot boxes.

Sierra Leone is at the precipice of a pivotal moment in its democratic journey, and the outcome of the elections will play a vital role in shaping the nation’s path forward. All eyes are now focused on President Bio’s address, which is poised to set the tone for the final stages of this closely contested electoral race.