President Julius Maada Bio has ushered in the new month of July with a message celebrating Sierra Leone’s recent successes and outlining his administration’s goals for the remainder of the year.

In his message, President Bio highlighted significant achievements from June, including strong support from international partners who have reaffirmed their faith in Sierra Leone’s vision and governance with substantial pledges and grants.

Looking forward, President Bio emphasized the government’s commitment to the “Big Five Agenda,” with particular focus on the “Feed Salone” initiative and investments in sustainable energy. He expressed confidence that these and other strategic initiatives will play a crucial role in transforming Sierra Leone.

“As this new month unfolds with big wins for Sierra Leone, our international partners have reaffirmed their faith in our vision and our governance record with huge pledges and grants,” President Bio stated. “In the second half of this year and onward, we will continue to invest significantly in our Big Five Agenda with a focus on Feed Salone and investing in sustainable energy. We believe that these workable solutions, among others, will help transform Sierra Leone.”

President Bio’s message reflects a continued dedication to improving the country’s infrastructure, food security, and sustainable development, aiming to drive positive change and growth for Sierra Leone in the coming months and beyond