Sierra Leone’s President, H.E Julius Maada Bio has on the 29th April, 2024 delivered a keynote address at the World Bank – International Development Association IDA21 for Africa Heads of State Summit in Nairobi, Kenya.

President Bio emphasized the necessity of addressing Africa’s substantial infrastructure deficit to unlock potential for transformation, particularly in the fields of energy and technological innovation that will have to sustainably developed at all levels.

He expressed confidence that increased funding from the IDA would help Africa achieve its objective of becoming a climate-resilient continent which has to be a major focus at all times.

He maintained that the role of infrastructure in promoting economic growth and sustainable development in Africa is very vital, adding that, it worked to facilitate trade, reduce business expenses, and enhance competitiveness on a global scale.

Giving the Sierra Leonean context, President Bio also outlined the country’s dedication to people-centered development through initiatives like the country’s Mid Development Plan and his five key priorities: Feed Salone, Human Capital Development, Youth Employment, Revamping Public Services, and Tech and infrastructure.

He called for more concessional resources from IDA21, including measurable debt financing to enable quantifiable repayment, aligning with Africa’s development aims.