His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio and First Lady Fatima Bio have departed Freetown for Oxford, United Kingdom, to attend the Fourth Annual OpenAg Symposium 2024.

In an official statement today September 16th Bia Social media, First Lady Fatima Bio confirmed that she and His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio have departed from Freetown International Airport en route to Oxford, United Kingdom.

They will be attending the Fourth Annual OpenAg Symposium 2024, a prestigious event aimed at addressing global challenges related to agriculture and climate change.

The symposium, scheduled to take place at the Nelson Mandela Lecture Theatre, Saïd Business School, will focus on the pivotal role of sustainable agricultural practices in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating the effects of climate change. First Lady Bio emphasized the importance of this event, stating, “My husband, His Excellency the President, Dr. Julius Maada Bio, and I are committed to supporting initiatives that ensure the security of food, water, and energy resources for the future by promoting sustainable and resilient agricultural practices.”

The OpenAg Symposium has become a critical platform for global leaders, scholars, and stakeholders to collaborate on strategies to address the growing impact of climate change on agriculture. This year’s theme, centered on sustainability and resilience, highlights how agriculture can serve as a key contributor to environmental protection and resource security.