Sierra Leone’s President, Dr Julius Maada Bio, his wife, the first lady, Madam Fatima Bio and a few other government officials today, the 3rd February 2023 visited pupils that were injured from the Bo Stadium Accident at the Government Hospital they are being treated.

The President visit to sympathize with the injured students and their families and to encourage and appreciate the health workers attending to the pupils.

President Bio said, “We came here to register our profound gratitude to you the caregivers and to see our young girls. We thank you all for a good job and ask that you continue with it.”

On Thursday 2nd February 2023, President Bio together with Fatima Bio successfully launched the 2023 Free Sanitary Pads Distribution at the Bo Mini Stadium in Bo City.

The launch was marred by an accident involving school pupils when a railing break down on pupils causing serious injuries.

The affected children were however rushed to the Government Hospital in Bo City for treatment