Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio has called for urgent global action on injustice and fair representation during his address at the High-Level Event on Global Peace and Security, part of the 2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Summit in Beijing.

In his speech, President Bio highlighted Africa’s need for fair representation on global platforms, particularly the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). He emphasized that Africa, having suffered extensively from conflict, must have a stronger voice in global decision-making.

“The current global system perpetuates inequities that undermine peace and security,” President Bio remarked. He criticized the existing philosophy that favors self-interest over fairness, which he believes distorts and compromises global peace.

As Chairman of the African Union’s Committee of Ten on UNSC Reform, President Bio reiterated Africa’s demand for two permanent seats on the Security Council. He argued that Africa’s underrepresentation diminishes the UNSC’s effectiveness in addressing global issues.

“Fair representation of Africa will enable the United Nations to more effectively tackle global challenges and promote a more just and peaceful world,” President Bio asserted.

He concluded his address by urging world leaders to make justice and fairness central to their global agendas. Emphasizing unity, he warned that divisions and unhealthy competition threaten humanity’s progress and called for a unified approach to ensure peace and development.

President Bio’s call to action underscores the importance of inclusive representation and equitable global governance in achieving lasting peace and security.