On September 12, 2024, President Julius Maada Bio officially launched the Sierra Leone Justice Sector Reform Strategy at the New Brookfields Hotel in Freetown.

This significant initiative aims to enhance the efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability of the country’s justice system, ensuring equitable access to justice for all citizens.

In his address at the launch, President Bio emphasized the importance of timely justice as a cornerstone for a thriving, just, and resilient state.

He outlined key achievements of his administration, including the abolition of the death penalty, the overhaul of the Criminal Procedures Act, and substantial investments in judicial infrastructure and training.

President Bio reaffirmed his government’s commitment to continuing critical reforms in the justice sector, asserting that the launch of this new strategy represents a further step in supporting and advancing these reforms.

The Justice Sector Reform Strategy is expected to foster a more responsive and accessible legal system, reflecting the government’s dedication to justice and rule of law in Sierra Leone.