President Julius Maada Bio, currently in New York for the United Nations General Assembly, Engages with Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair

President Julius Maada Bio, who is attending the United Nations General Assembly in New York, recently engaged with former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair.

In his remarks, President Bio expressed that catching up with his friend Tony Blair is always a joy. He described their discussion as motivating and appreciated Blair’s ongoing support for Sierra Leone through the Tony Blair Institute.

Highlighting the productive nature of their conversation, President Bio noted that their discussions were both inspiring and encouraging.

Blair, who has a longstanding relationship with Sierra Leone, continues to provide valuable support through the Tony Blair Institute, which works with governments and leaders to foster effective governance and drive sustainable development.

President Bio commended Blair’s dedication to the country, underscoring the positive impact of the ongoing collaboration between Sierra Leone and the Institute.

The Tony Blair Institute helps governments and leaders realize their development visions by providing analysis, commentary, and lessons drawn from their work with fragile, developing, and emerging states.