President Bio in a crucial address to the nation on the 24th October, 2023, he emphasized the need to put an end to political bickering, hate speech, and disunity that has plagued the country in recent times.

Speaking under the theme “National Peace and Cohesion,” the President called on Sierra Leoneans to unite and collectively work towards a brighter future.

President Bio stated, “Sierra Leoneans are tired of political bickering, hate speech, and disunity, and together, we must say never again. It is time to focus our energies, ideas, and our collective will towards a national agenda that delivers food security, provides jobs for our youths, empowers our women, and prepares our nation into a middle-income economy.”

The President’s speech was seen as a rallying cry for national unity and progress, highlighting the importance of coming together as a nation to address critical issues such as food security, employment opportunities for the youth, gender empowerment, and economic growth.

Sierra Leoneans are now looking forward to seeing how this call for unity and national focus will be translated into actionable policies and initiatives that will lead the country towards a more prosperous and harmonious future.