The  Britsh High Commissioner, Lisa Chisney has recently visited the civil War Memorial Graves in Lungi.
The new United Kingdom commissioner was accompanied by Asama James  and  Joseph Kaifala founder and principal of the center. Kaifala  work entails  making sure  Sierra Leoneans are awareof the recommendations  of the Truth and Reconciliatiation Commission.
key among the purpose of the High Commissioner Visit is to empathize and pay respect to fallen Sierra Leoneans during the Country’s  11 Years senseless brutal civil war.
Joseph Kaifala is the founder and principal of the Center for Memory and Reparations, facilitating remembrance and common narratives around the Sierra Leone civil war. He is leading the mapping and protection of mass graves across Sierra Leone.
He has also facilitated the construction of a civil war memorial, offering Sierra Leoneans a remembrance space. Joseph also founded the Jeneba Project to provide educational opportunities to adolescent girls in Sierra Leone.
The Jeneba Project started the Sengbe Pieh Academy, providing girls access to quality high school education and paving a way for them to forge a brighter future. The Jeneba Project has constructed a water supply system that provides 20,000 liters of portable water to the school and Robis village.
The Vision of kaifala is for Sierra Leonean girls to  have an equal right to quality education.  He believes we must create a world with inclusive and equitable education for all and eliminate all forms of discrimination against women and girls.