Ibrahim Bundu Kamara alias Amerikin, defense witness in the ongoing Court Martial trial who doubles as the second accused testifies in court alleged of subjecting him to torture.

The Defense Witness 2 (DW2) Ibrahim Bundu Kamara stated that he was arrested by his colleague Military personnel and taken to the Presidential Lodge where he was alleged to have been subjected to torture, placed under a gunpoint and given urine in a Tutik bottle to drink.

Sergeant Ibrahim Bundu Kamara, a member of the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF) with force number 18171922 said his hand was handcuff with a window metal frame at the said Presidential Lodge where he was detained for a night.

He said he was moved to the headquarters of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), at Pademba Road in Freetown on the 27th November, 2023 for further questioning on his involvement in the November 26, 2023 failed coup, and was later taken to the Police Hospital at Kingtom for medical attention and treatment, after which he was taken to the Special Court facility.

The witness identified photos and video of him on a projector screen played at the High Court of main Law Court Building, Staka Steven Street before the presiding Judge Advocate Mark Ngogba.

Led in evidence by his legal representative Ibrahim Abdulai (IA) Kamara, DW2 said on the 26th November he, was home sleeping when his wife woke him up, informing him that his mobile phone was ringing.

He said he took the phone, and it was the Regimental Quarter Master Sergeant (RQMS) Warrant Officer (WO2) Turay.

On the phone, the witness said WO2 informed him that everyone was on standby in respect of what was going on at the Wilberforce 5th Battalion. Upon receiving the information, he immediately left for the Headquarters of the 5th Battalion, and on arrival while crossing towards the entrance he was hold from the back by an unknown person who was masked.

He saw other men in mask dragging someone who he said resembles Koita, going towards the arms and ammunition store at 5th Battalion. Bundu said he was also taken to the ammunition store, placed under gunpoint and instructed to fill magazines.

While at the Arms store, another Soldier by the name of Ranger was brought in. He said he also saw one Corporal Bawoh whom he said he met at the arms store loading magazines, and also Corporal Kemoh and Corporal Conteh.

He said he heard the voice of Captain Jalloh talking on the phone with one Captain TLK and Licutenant Colonel IKS. Bockarie, and while on their phone conversation he managed to escape.

He stated that while hiding at the Services Primary School, in the morning hours at 0:55am he heard fire alarm, and he came out of his hiding place and went to the 5th Battalion. His Boss, the Quarter Master (QM) Major Sesay called him and they went to the arms store together with the Operations Officer and two others, and he Bundu was instructed to issue weapons to Soldiers.

While issuing the weapons, the witness said Corporal Bawah and an unknown man who he said was dressed in Military attire came to the store and asked who was Amerikin.

He came out and identified himself as Amerikin, and the man in the mufty dress told him that he was under arrest, and from that point he was asked to hand over his mobile phone which he did.