Confidence Trading Company Limited, known as CTC in Sierra Leone and recognized for its global rice supplies, has recently introduced a new rice proforma invoice listing a selection of rice products ready for distribution.

The invoice includes a variety of rice brands and new amounts, with an emphasis on the Datsun and Kissy Kissy brands, and also other specialist products.

According to the document posted, the company made available the following items:
1. Datsun Bella Luna Parboiled Rice – 50kg and 25kg bags, priced at $701.00 and $355.50, respectively.

  1. Kissy Kissy Habiba Parboiled Rice in 50kg and 25kg bags, priced at 621.00 and 315.50, respectively.

  2. Datsun Butter Rice comes in 50kg and 25kg sacks, priced at $761.00 and $385.50, respectively.

  3. Kissy Kissy Warrior Long Grain Rice (25%) – 50kg and 25kg bags cost $661.00 and $335.50, respectively.

  4. Big Joe Brazil 100% Broken Rice in 50kg and 25kg sacks, priced at 701.00 and 355.50, respectively.

Adding to the rice types, the company has established a delivery policy, which states that delivery is available for purchases of 40 bags or more weighing 50kg or more.

The proforma invoice also includes account information for different banking institutions, including SLCB, RCB, UBA, Access, Vista, and Eco banks, showing the company’s global trade reach. It is crucial to remember that the pricing listed may change at any time.

Confidence Trading Co. Ltd. has built a reputation for high-quality rice goods and continues to serve global markets with different rice options, assuring dependable delivery services for large orders.