The chairman and Leader of the main Opposition All People’s Congress (APC), former President Ernest Bai Koroma has said that now that the Political Parties Registration Commission (PPRC) has endorsed the party’s constitution, the party is expected to hold its lower-level-ward, constituency, district, regional and flagbearer elections between February and April, this year.
Ernest made this statement during induction of the Bombali District women’s Congress aspirants in Makeni.
Addressing the attendance, the APC Chairman and Leader said the party has no time to waste and that it is a must for them to go to convention. According to him, the PPRC has confirmed the election of APC officials and it is the responsibility of the party to do what is in the constitution.
He informed that he believes the APC has the support of commercial motor-bike riders who, he estimated, have a membership of over five hundred thousand; petty traders scattered all over the county, the Ataya Bases and a host of youth people’s groups. If all of these people and their dependents decide to people register and vote, he said, they know the kind of number the party would pull which, he said, nobody can easily manipulate.
He urged party members and supporters to come out in their numbers to register and give their time to vote massively.
The Exclusive Newspaper reports that, he cited the Zambia elections in which the president placed his relatives at the electoral commission but that after the people voted, he as head of the ECOWAS Elections Observer Mission told the electoral body to announce the results as the people had made their choice. He said, they had to announce the winner and this it was the former president who announced the results.
According to Chairman Ernest Bai Koroma, the days of counting elections results by percentages are over as this time round they will ensure that all votes are counted from lower level, constituency, district, regional and nationwide.
According to EBK, as soon as the party ends its lower- level elections, campaign trait for 2023 elections starts, adding that during that period, the whole country and the world will know that the APC is up again for serious business.