Sylvia Olayinka Blyden is a popular female politician from the APC party and had served in different positions in her party and the country at large.
About a month ago she left the shores of Sierra Leone on vacation to the United Kingdom and America where she has been updating her normal activities on social media.
Sylvia Blyden has just returned home and had explained her experience at the airport.
“I left America and traveled to Sierra Leone via Senegal, well dressed in my bright white and red APC colors from head to toe. On arrival tonight at Lungi Airport, I received no ill treatment from any Airport staff.
For some two decades now, since Kabbah to Ernest Koroma and now with Bio, I have been warmly and very respectfully welcomed with VIP Treatment at Lungi Airport when I arrive. Tonight was no different despite I was clothed in my bright APC colors. This is democracy at work. I feel proud.
Let us collectively say no to Terrorism and Intimidation by certain elements and let us also say no to abuse of Rights by certain other elements.
Together, we can make Democracy work.
Good to be back home. Love to all. Thanks to everyone for keeping us safe and at Peace. Let’s remain DEMOCRATIC as well.