Who is Rev. Smart K. Senesie?

He is the Executive Director of the Sierra Leone Roads Safety Authority (SLRSA) (effective January 11, 2022). Prior to this position, he was the Chairman, Board of Directors at the Road Maintenance Fund Administration.

Read more about him. https://slrsa.gov.sl/slrsa-management-welcomes-new-executive-director/

He is a holder of a fake PhD!

Institution: The Commonwealth University (fake) and the London Graduate School (fake).

Name of PhD awarded: PhD in the Humanities (Honoris Causa).

Amount paid: $5000 (he used state funds to buy this PhD).

Duration of course: 1 hour (from enrolment, study and graduation)!! Your newest Doctor in town!!

Place of Graduation: Dubai (his Return flight tickets, accommodation in Dubai, and per diem all paid for by the Government of Sierra Leone — tax payers money; our money).