First Lady Fatima Bio has on the 9th May, 2024 met with some Chinese Investors at her Goodrich office in the nation’s capital Freetown.
The Chinese investors were led by Madam Eva Wu on a diplomatic initiative, facilitated by Ambassador Senesie Jannie Tarawally (London Jet).
They revealed that, the visit and engagement marked a significant step towards enhancing relations between China and Sierra Leone, showcasing a commitment to mutual benefit. This also deals with having many positive and possible opportunities that will help boost the developmental sectors of the country.
The team was warmly welcomed by the first Lady who expressed her profound appreciation to them for paying her a courtesy visit that seeks to be of good help for both nations, adding that, the visit and discussion can form part of a strategic plan in fostering the collaboration and working relationship between them respectively.
It was revealed also that, the presence of the Chinese investors underscored a growing confidence in Sierra Leone’s potential for progress and prosperity to which the first Lady emphasized her efforts to results-driven initiatives, stating her readiness to facilitate engagement, if aligned with the interests of Sierra Leoneans.
The engagement also created a way for partnership in advancing socio-economic development in Sierra Leone. The exchange of ideas, expertise, and resources between Chinese investors and the government of Sierra Leone holds the promise of addressing key challenges and unlocking growth opportunities.
Sierra Leone is doomed. Is it the duty of the first lady to be hosting investors, don’t we have ministers that are responsible for trade and industry? The country is a Banana Republic , everyone on their own.