In a heartfelt and emotional tribute, the First Lady of Sierra Leone, Fatima Maada Bio, expressed her deep sorrow over the passing of two beloved figures, Mr. Lansana Sheriff, popularly known as Steady Bongo, and Victor Oniel, affectionately called Onie.
“Writing this message is more painful than I thought it will be emotionally for me,” the First Lady shared. “May Allah take control of all situations.”
Steady Bongo, a music legend known for his remarkable contributions to Sierra Leone’s cultural and artistic heritage, was a household name and an inspiration to countless fans. His music transcended generations, fostering unity and pride among Sierra Leoneans. Oniel, a young man of great promise, was also celebrated for his vibrant personality and potential to make a significant impact. Their untimely deaths have left a deep void in the hearts of many.
On behalf of her family, Mrs. Bio extended her condolences to the bereaved families. “The loss of such remarkable individuals is felt deeply within our country. We stand in solidarity with all those mourning these two beautiful souls’ absence,” she said.
Her words echoed the sentiments of a grieving nation, where the loss of Steady Bongo and Oniel has been met with an outpouring of tributes and reflections on their lives and legacies.
The First Lady also prayed for their eternal rest, saying, “May their souls rest in peace.”
As Sierra Leone mourns, this tragedy serves as a reminder of the fleeting nature of life and the importance of cherishing the moments and talents that individuals bring to society. Both Steady Bongo and Oniel leave behind a legacy that will be remembered and celebrated for years to come.