Sierra Leone’s First Lady Fatima Bio earlier today Wednesday 16th October 2024 held a Meeting with the Vice President of Starlink Business Operations Lauren Dreyer

According to Madam Bio, their discussion centered around the potential of her Hands Off Our Girls and Starlink working together as partners in the progressive development of Sierra Leone.

She said sometime in 2023 she spearheaded the introduction of Starlink through her friend and brother Richard Griffith to the government of Sierra Leone and today they are proud of having Starlink in Sierra Leone.

She further said their meeting marks a pivotal step towards enhancing digital cooperation through charitable partnerships.

She disclosed that during their meeting, they explored strategies for partnership that can catalyze transformative change within their global communities by leveraging collective strengths and expertise, they can create impactful solutions that empower individuals and foster sustainable development for women and children in the digital world.

Starlink is a satellite internet service established by American businessman Elon Musk.