Despite ongoing investigations into the tragic death of Sia Kamara, Communications Executive at the Freetown City Council, her family has announced that her burial will take place on September 1, 2024. Kamara’s death, which has sent shockwaves through the community, is the subject of a rigorous police inquiry.
Sia Kamara’s boyfriend, Kpaka, who was initially detained for eight days at the Lumley Police Station, has now been transferred to the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) for further scrutiny. Kpaka remains the prime suspect in the case, with allegations pointing to his involvement in Kamara’s death.
According to sources close to the investigation, an autopsy revealed that Kamara had suffered severe physical trauma, including seven broken ribs and damage to her spinal cord. The cause and circumstances leading to the fatal injuries remain unclear, but it is suspected that a violent assault took place, possibly at the hands of Kpaka.
Further details have emerged that Kamara was preparing to travel just three days before her untimely death, adding to the sorrow and frustration felt by her family and friends. Reports indicate that this was not the first instance of violence she had endured.
While the investigation continues, Kamara’s family has decided to proceed with her burial, emphasizing the need for closure amidst their grief. The family and the public alike are hopeful that justice will be served.
Kamara’s remains will be laid to rest on September 1, 2024.