Independent oil and gas explorer, Wildcat Petroleum has announced the completion of a desktop study which sought to examine the petroleum potential of the deepwater offshore blocks of Sierra Leone.
Wildcat confirmed positive results as well as good hydrocarbon potential in the basin.
The study, conducted under an agreement with and accepted by the Petroleum Directorate of Sierra Leone (PDSL), has now opened the offshore market to competitive Bid Licensing Round which was announced by the relevant authorities earlier this year.
The closing date of the round has been set for January 27 next year, with a suite of regional and global players expected to participate.
“We are encouraged by the resolve and determination of the PDSL to make their bid round a success,” stated Mandhir Singh, Wildcat Petroleum Chairman, adding that, “Evidence from the large discoveries in the conjugate margin of South America (specifically Guyana and Suriname) indicate that Sierra Leone could be strategically placed to emulate those successes. We look forward to the authorities attracting oil companies to their offshore and the possibility of Wildcat’s involvement.”
Credit: EnergyCapital&Power