The Managing Director of Rokel Commercial Bank Dr Ekundayo Gilpin has revealed that they are planning to go to Europe and the sub-region as part of their expansion plan.

He made the said statement on Thursday 13th April 2023 as the League of African Development Students delegation presented a special Citation of Honor Mnemonic banner to him at the Bank’s headquarters. He further revealed that almost anywhere people mention banks in Sierra Leone, you will hear  RCBank and they are trying to move beyond the confines of Sierra Leone.

Excellent recapitalization of the RCBank has been a strong reason for the bank that was on the verge of collapsed, a bank that was crumbling under its weight, a bank everybody was running away from has now become a pillar to society” he affirmed

The delegation is in Freetown under the distinguished patronage of His Excellency, President Julius Maada Bio to grace the official inauguration of the new student leadership, Rex Bonapha of the National Union of Sierra Leone Students.

President of the All African Student Union, Osisiogu Osikenyi E, described Dr Gilpin as an indefatigable MD and they feel very proud to associate with the Bank. Since their last arrival in 2019, he confirmed they have continued to show a keen interest in Rokel Commercial Bank. He further pointed out that at a time some other people were sitting busy to conspire, they were busy thinking about how they can promote the Bank and celebrate its achievements. He affirmed that bad people thrive only when good people Keep quiet and they have come to say they are very proud of the achievements they have continued to reckon.

‘’We agree with the president of Sierra Leone, Julius Maada Bio in conferring you the Commander of the Order of Rokel Award that is to show. We have also agreed with those who have listed you among the 50 best bankers in Africa. What it means is that even if you pick one Bank MD in every country in Africa, not every country can make one CEO in that list’’ he stated

Prince Ogar ESQ, President, National Association of Nigeria Students diasporas, described Dr Gilpin as being a proactive Managing Director and one of the best currently in Africa. He thanked the management of the institution for the receptive welcome and confirmed that the delegation is here to identify with the institution that has been traversing the nooks President and crannies of this country changing the narrative of the banking industry. The delegation comprises Osisiogou Osikenyi E. President of the All- African Students Union, Rex Bonapha, President National Association of Sierra Leone students, Prince Ogar Esq, President National Association OF Nigeria Student Diaspora, Beloved Imobiye, and others