Sierra Leone’s Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education in Sierra Leone has launched a promising initiative to help out-of-school children and youth get back on track.

These new National Guidelines for Accelerated Education Programs (AEPS) aim to provide clear pathways for re-entering formal education, training, or work.

AEPS are designed to equip out-of-school children and youth with essential skills and foundational knowledge quickly. These programs allow them to catch up and obtain equivalent qualifications to continue their education or enter the workforce.

These guidelines are a crucial step towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 – ensuring everyone has access to quality education by 2030. Sierra Leone aims to eliminate out-of-school children completely.

COVID-19 disruptions and lower rural enrolment rates highlight the need for innovative approaches. Girls, particularly vulnerable to dropping out due to early marriage or pregnancy (recently banned), require targeted support.

The Ministry partnered with, a non-profit specializing in evidence-based education policy, to ensure the guidelines are effective.

The Ministry, the Sierra Leone Teaching Service Commission, and partners like Save the Children (managing a consortium to deliver AEPS for 60,000 children) will use these guidelines to implement effective programs. This initiative offers renewed hope for a brighter future for out-of-school children in Sierra Leone.