The Government of Sierra Leone through the Ministry of Information and Communications has released a communique on the report of the post-elections fact-finding engagement presented by the independent commission for peace and national cohesion (ICPNC) to President Julius Maada Bio.

The government commended the Independent Commission for Peace and National Cohesion (ICPNC) for its invaluable role before, during, and after the June 24 multi-tier elections in Sierra Leone.

It further acknowledged the important steps taken by the ICPNC towards post- elections reconciliation, particularly efforts to foster dialogue between the SLPP-led Government and the All People’s Congress (APC).

It said: “Government believes that exploring and utilizing our established and competent local institutions and voices for promoting peaceful dialogue and national cohesion, are important commendable steps in our democracy. Government has received, with delight, report of engagements by the ICPNC, with political parties (including the main opposition All People’s Congress), around post-elections concerns, and has favourably noted the issues highlighted in the said report. Government would urge the ICPNC to work with other well-meaning local and international agencies such as the Commonwealth and regional African institutions that have expressed interest to support our post-elections dialogue efforts, and assure the ICPNC of Government’s fullest support at all times.”

The Government continued that it welcomes the genuine and patriotic search for a common ground across the political divide more so following the June 2023 elections. Such efforts strongly resonate with His Excellency’s address to the 6th Parliament, where he noted “we gather here to reflect upon the importance of cohesion in politics and to recognize the paramount significance of unity and collaboration in our noble endeavour to serve our people…In this Parliament where no party has attained a two-thirds majority, the need for dialogue and negotiation resonates with utmost urgency. We must find common ground within the political divides…”

It ended by assuring citizens and the international community of its unflinching commitment to sustained peace and cohesion, and urged all stakeholders (inch ding the All People’s Congress) to embrace the clarion call for peaceful dialogue.
