While reviewing his bail application in court, lead Defense Counsel for Honourable Emmanuel Saidu Conteh, on Monday informed the court that, the health condition of his client has deteriorated considerably, stating that the blood sugar of the second accused was at a very alarming stage.

He added that a nutritionist had made some prescription for the second accused, but that such has not been honoured while the health condition of the accused continues to deteriorate in prison.

But State Counsel argued that the medical doctor who prepared the report could have indicated referral, thus urging the court not to give credence to the medical report and objected to bail.

Lawyer Dumbuya decided to defer his cross-examination and the prosecuting counsel did not object to the request made by the defense.

Magistrate Sahr Kekura noted that it was the medical doctor at the Correctional Facility that should have informed the court about the health status of the accused.

The opposition All People’s Congress (APC) Member of Parliament representing Constituency 129, Honourable Emmanuel Saidu Conteh, was charged together with others with illegally importation of arms and ammunition into Sierra Leone.

The have been denied bail for the three consecutive times by Magistrate Sahr Kekura of the Pademba Road Magistrate Court in Freetown.

On Monday, the first prosecution witness produced and identified a plethora of documents, but the defense counsel for the first and second accused argued that the documents produced in court never bear the names of his clients.

During the previous court sittings, the court adjourned to enable the prosecution produce certain documents in relation to the importation of the arms and ammunition into the country.

Detective Police Constable, Joseph Collins, with force number 9268, on Monday 19th July, 2021, identified a delivery order created for Maerskline, dated 1st July, 2021, and attached to it was a non-negotiable Waybill, also generated by Maerskline, dated 28th June, 2021.

He also identified a copy of deposit payment slip paid into the account of Freetown Terminal’s document indicating an invoice dated 2nd July, 2021, and a copy of another delivery order which bears the identity of Sheriff Jalloh, who happens to be the fourth accused person.

He disclosed that the investigation revealed that the original of the aforementioned documents have been retained by Maerskline for their administrative work.

The deposit payment slip was produced and tendered for identification. He also produced, identified and tendered other relevant documents, which he had made mention of.

He added that the investigation revealed that exhibit C is a delivery order in respect of a container of equipment number MSKU9574643, which, according to the investigation, contained four vehicles, and some other personal effects.