In a landmark ruling delivered today, Honourable Justice Ganda of the High Court of Sierra Leone dismissed the jurisdictional and preliminary objections raised by the defense in the case of Sierra Leone Bar Association & Another vs. Augustine Sorie-Sengbeh Marrah & Others.

The defense had argued that the court lacked the jurisdiction to hear the matter, but in a firm ruling, Justice Ganda stated that the nature of the relief sought could be competently heard by the court without causing any injustice to the defendants.

In his ruling, Justice Ganda emphasized:

“Considering the nature of the relief sought, I am of the view that this matter can be heard and determined by this court as it will not in any way cause injustice to the defendants/applicants herein.”

As a result, the following orders were made:

  1. The court has jurisdiction to hear and determine the case.
  2. The jurisdictional objections raised by the defendants/applicants were dismissed.
  3. The defense was ordered to file an affidavit in opposition to the Originating Summons by October 23, 2024.

This ruling marks a significant step in the ongoing legal battle initiated by the Sierra Leone Bar Association, with the court now set to proceed to a full hearing of the case.