Segepoh Solomon Thomas, a young man from the Bonthe District in southern Sierra Leone, embarked on a remarkable journey that led him to become one of the most esteemed figures in the country’s political landscape.

After pursuing his education in Freetown and earning a Postgraduate Diploma in Education, Bachelor of Art at the University of Sierra Leone, LLB (Hons.) and BL at the Sierra Leone Law School. Segepoh dedicated himself to serving his people, providing legal services, and reforming Bonthe District especially the Island to one of the desired locations to visit in the country.

His passion for justice and unwavering support for his community propelled him to a successful career as a lawyer before transitioning into politics. Even before coming into mainstream politics, Segepoh Solomon Thomas demonstrated leadership during his day at Fourah Bay College student politics. He remains one of the leading student politicians of all time.

Through his dedication and commitment, he garnered immense support from the islands he cared for deeply, leading him to be elected as a member of Parliament in 2012 to date. Thomas served honourably, passionately and with dedication. I could recall when he took me to Bonthe to see firsthand the development he had brought to the island, I took over a week there, gathering human interest stories and showcasing the qualities of the island and the opportunities it could offer if the government could pay a little attention to it.

Segepoh’s leadership qualities shone through as he took on various roles within Parliament, serving in the Committee Of Selection, Standing Orders Committee, Committee On Appointments And Public Service, Public Accounts Committee, and Supervisory Committee eventually culminating his election as the Deputy Speaker. His trajectory continued upward as he was voted overwhelmingly as the Speaker of the House of Parliament in Sierra Leone after Honorable Abass Bundu resigned.

From humble beginnings, Segepoh Solomon Thomas emerged as a symbol of hope and progress in the political history of the country, exemplifying the power of Perseverance, dedication, and service to the community.

His story serves as an inspiration to all who strive to make a difference in their society.